We Are Back!

Absence definitely makes the heart grow fonder! After a long break from Fairmont High School due to Covid-19, we finally had our first blood drive in 2 years at the school on Tuesday, the 31st of May.

The blood drive was well organised and advertised with social media banners, posters, and very enthusiastic peer promoters working hard alongside our donor representative and their teacher, Karien De Jongh.

Despite an unexpected fire drill that took place for about 30 minutes, the drive continued swiftly afterwards and learners continued to fill the Student Centre to donate blood.

We collected a total of 54 units of blood, which means that a total of 159 lives were saved. Well done Fairmont High! We do hope that you all enjoyed the gifts this term and hope that you will encourage all your friends to donate too.

As Fairmont High School happily welcomed us back, we would like to thank all other schools for doing the same. If we have not yet returned to your school, or you simply had a cool article about us returning to your school this term, send an email to info@wcbs.org.za and we’ll have a look to see where we can assist.


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