Dear Reader,
In 2021 we released the first edition of our Iron-Spired digital cookbook to create awareness about eating iron-rich foods and maintaining good iron stores within your body. To keep promoting this, we are releasing ‘The WCBS Iron-Spired Cookbook 2’, featuring brand new and yummy recipes.
A healthy iron-rich diet is essential to maintain energy and is also very important for your overall health. As a blood donor, it is important to have the required Hb level to donate blood. A low Hb level is one of the most common reasons for being deferred from donating. Every time you donate blood, we test your Hb level. Men’s Hb level needs to be 13.5g/dl and females’ 12.5g/dl. To understand the relation between iron, haemoglobin and ferritin please read the article below by Dr Caroline Hilton as she explains how this correlates with blood donation.
This edition features recipes that were in our quarterly donor newsletter, Blood Buzz. We also had an internal staff competition, and we are proud to include A-Eshah Richards and Christoff van Wyk’s recipes. It also features recipes never shared before.
Enjoy cooking and getting iron-spired! Please share your thoughts and let us know if you have an iron-spired recipe that you would like to share with the blood donor community.
Yours in blood donation and yummy food,
Marike Gevers