As an organisation dedicated to the most precious work of saving lives, we know that with every unit of blood we collect, a life is changed. It is incredible to see our staff embody the values of making a difference, radiating the sentiment, “We love what we do.” These five words go beyond mere actions, routines and protocols; they represent love deeply rooted in the unwavering commitment to saving lives and encouraging others to do the same.
Currently, we have 518 employees– if you would like to be a part of our team, visit our careers page today. For this article, we asked some of our staff why they love what they do and this is what they said:

“I am passionate about my work because I contribute to the development of systems that enable staff to work more efficiently and ultimately save lives.” – Prosper Tinarwo, Software Engineer, 2 years of service

“I love that I work in a department that offers daily variety and that challenges me to continuously develop, personally and professionally.” – Tania Paarman, Manager – Specialised Donations, 15 years of service.

“I love helping people and doing a fulfilling job, this industry is fascinating and the industry is unique and always bringing in new technology that can better how we do things.” – Russell Cable, Head of Department – Donation Testing, 37 years of service.

“Everyday presents a new opportunity to meet donors who are passionate about saving someone’s life. I help make a difference in the lives of patients affected by cancer and other bleeding disorders here at the Apheresis Clinic. I love what I do and I know why I do it – because I can make a difference.” – Amaan Paulsen, Clerical Officer, 10 years of service

“Blood banking plays a vital role in saving lives which in itself is a rewarding and fulfilling experience. The great team spirit, collaborative effort of all the healthcare professionals involved and the drive to prioritise the patients’ lives is what makes coming to work something to look forward to.” – Shahana Manekware, Medical Technologist, 1 year of service.