The Western Cape Blood Service (WCBS) has various donor recruitment and retention strategies in place to meet its overall objectives. WCBS aims to collect 700 units of blood every day to supply the Western Cape with a safe, sufficient blood supply. Ideally, 1-2% of the population should donate blood. The Western Cape population grew to 7.4 million people over the past year. In order to keep up with the demand for blood and the ever-growing population, WCBS aim to increase their active donor base with at least 4,000 new blood donors. Currently, we have about 72,200 active blood donors. An active blood donor is someone who donates at least one unit of blood (whether it is plasma, platelets or whole blood) in a year. WCBS also aims to collect 163,000 units of blood throughout the year to meet the needs of patients.
WCBS Annual Commitment Campaign
Every year WCBS launches its commitment campaign. This campaign aims to encourage donors to donate at least four times a year. Once a donor reaches this milestone they will receive an extra token of appreciation from WCBS. This year donors can choose between a laptop bag, an overnight bag or a backpack.

Youth Recruitment and Awareness Campaigns
The youth plays a pivotal role in the sustainability of the donor base. Empowering the youth to donate blood isn’t just about meeting immediate needs; it’s an investment in the future sustainability of the blood supply. WCBS is active amongst the youth. Every year WCBS attends open days and various first-year student activities on tertiary education campuses where they would recruit new donors and inform them of blood donation clinics on campus. During the year WCBS also runs campaigns, such as the Battle of the Blood Donors – this is a school campaign whereby schools get to challenge another school in their area to see who donates the most units of blood. WCBS Marketing Practitioners conduct regular educational talks at schools, and they empower learners by training them to become Blood Donor Ambassadors, who then in turn promote blood donation amongst their peers and assist with their respective blood donation clinics.
Social Media and Other Digital Campaigns
WCBS can be found on all major social media channels. Content is updated regularly and audience participation is encouraged. Every month the new creative campaign is shown on social media and special events are advertised. Social media proves to be a very effective way to communicate when there is a blood stock shortage as posts receive more engagement. WCBS recently started to advertise on the Google Display Network. Social media and digital campaigns are effective tools to create general awareness and interest. Visit our social media channels: Western Cape Blood Service on Facebook and LinkedIn, The_WCBS on X, TheWCBS on Youtube and Blood Buddy on Tik Tok.
Partnerships with Organisations
The Marketing Department forges ties with various organisations that are willing to host blood donation clinics. Together, they work towards the same goal; promoting the cause of blood donation, hosting regular blood donation clinics, and recruiting new donors. Should you be interested in organising a blood donation clinic at your place of work please click here.
Other Creative Campaigns
Throughout the year WCBS hosts many different campaigns. In March 2024, as part of the ‘You are someone’s type’ campaign, the Marketing Department set a goal of recruiting 400 new blood donors by hosting various blood grouping exhibitions. In the end, they grouped more than 400 people and registered 307 new potential donors.
In April, WCBS together with the South African National Blood Service, hosted their ‘1 Day – 1 Nation – 5000 Units of Blood’ campaign. These big campaigns are great platforms for new donor recruitment due to the mass advertising behind it. WCBS were able to welcome 210 new blood donors with this campaign.
During winter WCBS will once again play host to its hero campaign celebrating blood donors as the true heroes they are. Each donor who successfully donates a unit of blood from May to August will receive a limited-edition WCBS superhero-inspired pair of socks as a token of appreciation.
In order to maintain an adequate blood supply, and recruit new blood donors, it requires a collective effort with various campaigns and partnerships. We encourage everyone to consider becoming a blood donor and when doing so, bring along a friend and make double the difference. Everyone can make a life-saving difference. Together, let’s ensure that no one goes without the life-saving blood they need. To find your closest blood donation clinic please click here.