The WCBS Blood Bank department is pleased to report that the second sample crossmatch policy has now successfully been implemented in Groote Schuur, Khayelitsha and Paarl Hospitals, and Mediclinic Vergelegen.

This policy involves the request of an additional crossmatch sample for patients who have not received blood products in the Western Cape before, so do not have a prior blood group on record. Since implementation of this policy, there have been zero ‘wrong blood in tube’ events (where crossmatch samples are taken from the incorrect patient) at Groote Schuur Hospital, Khayelitsha Hospital and Mediclinic Vergelegen.

The purpose of the second sample policy is to avoid an incompatible transfusion for your patient in the event that the first sample was taken from the incorrect person, the sample was labelled incorrectly at the bedside or laboratory, or there was a sample switch in the Blood Bank. While we acknowledge that this policy results in additional work for the ward staff and transfusion-naive patients having to be venesected twice, patient safety and the avoidance of incompatible, potentially life-threatening transfusions is our utmost priority.

It is important to reiterate that blood product delivery will not be compromised and this policy only applies to patients for whom we do not have a prior blood group. In the event that your patient has specific medical conditions or complex antibody profiles, physical crossmatching will still be performed.

For more information about the second-sample policy, please contact Meridah Mwase, Head – Blood Banks ( or Dr Caroline Hilton, Lead Medical Consultant (