WCBS is conducting its annual customer satisfaction survey and needs your input. The survey contains a total of ten questions that pertain to product quality, product availability, product delivery as well as staff communication and professionalism. Click here to complete the online survey now and stand a chance to win one of 30 Blood Buddy plush soft toys up for grabs – it’ll take less than ten minutes to complete the survey.
Blood users can also expect the paper survey to be rolled out at hospitals and healthcare facilities over the coming weeks. There are also 30 Blood Buddy soft plush toys up for grabs for blood users who complete the paper survey!
Please complete one version of the survey – either online or by paper. Duplicate entries will not be allowed.
Help us reach our target of 1,000 respondents by forwarding the link to the online survey to your blood user colleagues in the Western Cape. We look forward to your support and to find out how we can improve our service for you.
For more information about the WCBS customer satisfaction survey, contact Hayley Alie – Hospital Liaison Officer (hayleya@wcbs.org.za).