1111, 2020
Call to arms – the WCBS needs more blood donors
Annually the Western Cape Blood Service (WCBS) aims to increase their active donor base with 3%. This means that more than 2 200 new blood [...]
2110, 2020
Have you considered platelet donations?
The Western Cape Blood Service (WCBS) currently obtains blood from donors either through whole blood donation or platelet donations. Whole blood can be donated [...]
710, 2020
O and B blood stock levels are critically low in the Western Cape!
The Western Cape Blood Service (WCBS) is experiencing a critical shortage in blood stocks, particularly the O+ and B+ blood group as we currently [...]
109, 2020
Download. Donate. Do Good.
The Western Cape Blood Service is excited to announce that an improved version of the WCBS app has been released on Android and iOS. [...]
2108, 2020
Mask on – to save lives
The Western Cape Blood Service (WCBS) would like to reassure donors that it remains safe to donate blood and that the safety of our [...]